Keeping Marching: Justice For Trayvon Martin/Juror B29 Speaks

Let's Continue to March and Fight for Justice For Trayvon Martin!  George Zimmerman needs to be Prosecuted!  

The day after the 'Not Guilty' verdict came down, I joined thousands of protestors in Union Square, New York City in a rally to protest this ridiculous verdict.  Little did I know, there would be enormous out-pour of energy and anger on that sweltering day, and many of us would march for hours in a peaceful protest Uptown Manhattan.

The first stop in our demonstration was 42nd Street, where we gained hundreds more protesters and chanted "Justice for Trayvon Martin", "We say no, to the new Jim Crow" and "The whole damn system is guilty".  The plan was to circle back and march back down to 14th Street-Union Square, however, many of us wanted to demonstrate throughout the whole city and encouraged others to join in on the march for Justice.

As it turned out, we ended up marching all the way to Harlem.  Some demontrators, were arrested for blocking traffic (as we did not have a permit to march in the street), yet we continued our demonstrations.

After 6-hrs of marching I found myself on 145st and Lenox Avenue at 11:30PM.... 

Unfortunately, I didn't have on the proper walking shoes and finally became too tired to continue.  I retreated back downtown, satisfied with the ground I covered and the impact my voice made.  

Many of the protesters continued on, and marched to The Bronx court house, by Yankee Stadium on 161 Street.  I salute my fellow companions and everyone who has lifted their voices and continue to fight for this cause.

I pray that Trayvon's parents, family and friends seek peace through all of this heartache, and that America's justice system takes a turn for the better. 

Two weeks after the verdict has come down, we have a public statement from Juror B29, watch here:

Hopefully, American's can one day live together, without being profiled, through racism and prejudgement. 

Trayvon Martin's family are seeking a civil suit in this case, you can support their fight by going to the NAACP's website and signing the petition here.



RIPPED!! Ayo Listen Video By Ddot NuuWorld feat Alena Williams & CarLovy Musicc